As a technically bisexual person who almost always dates women because I find men suffocating, the selling point is not having to deal with dating men or being pursued by men. Also, you are really not helping us by writing ego-boosting angry tirades like this. You missed the most important point: even if it is a choice for some subset of humans (many homophobic people define the sin as *acting* on homosexual desire rather than experiencing it...pretty unhelpful that you overlooked this, kindof undermines all your chest thumping about being logical), so what? Consensual adults have a right to do what they want with each other. Earlier you wrote an article about how your daughter pointed out that you are not changing any minds with these condescending tirades. It's worse than that: you create an equally angry backlash, and *we* are the ones who suffer the consequences of that backlash. STOP making life harder for us with your big male chest thumping. This is why I find men suffocating.