"Shorter prison time" is such a sociopathic reason to have kids...can't imagine what the kids will think when they grow up and put two and two together.
I'm not sure if we should have much sympathy for Sunny though - from my memory, he was well aware of the fraud. Also the age difference when he started dating Holmes was creepy - I believe she had just entered Stanford and he was in his mid thirties? (too fed up with these two to look it up again). I'm not sure the appearance of being best friends is a reliable way to tell what's happening behind the scenes, but I don't think she was emotionally abused mainly because she seemed to be the one calling the shots regarding the company (at least that was the impression I came away with when I looked at it).
But yes, white women falsely accusing brown/black people of sexual harassment is definitely a thing, one that I have sadly experienced myself* as a brown gay woman (funny how "believe women" becomes "believe the white woman" when push comes to shove).
* for those curious how it went: it was a nightmare. The accusation was made in retaliation for me reporting unethical behavior involving a startup, and even though I was eventually able to show that the complainant had knowingly lied, it was only after significant psychological damage had been done from being treated as guilty without cause for over a year. Luckily the reputational damage was minimal; everyone close to the situation knew the truth. Six years later, I'm still not the same and think about killing myself all the time (the person who did this to me was someone I once loved and trusted completely).