Thank you for writing this. As a person on the autism spectrum, I felt downright betrayed when I learned how common lying is among allistic (non-autistic) individuals. It frustrates me no end how allistics rationalize "white lies" - e.g. in a group therapy program I once attended, "lying to make someone feel better" was portrayed as OK, while at the same time it was lamented how we often do not believe compliments we receive because we think "oh they are just saying that to be nice". I was do you not see that these are two sides of the same coin? If you give out fake compliments you will expect to receive fake compliments, and guess what, you don't do people a favor by giving them feedback they cannot trust - at some point they are going to realize the feedback they are receiving doesn't track with their experience. The biggest favor you can do for an autistic person is to be honest with them - they won't assume you are lying because they wouldn't lie to you! </rant>